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Awards Page
CIWRO researchers have received numerous awards recognizing their work. You can view these awards below.
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David Schvartzman
University of Oklahoma Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation Excellence Award (DEA)
The Applied Computing for the Meteorological Enterprise (ACME) Team: Karen Cooper, Carrie Langston, Mike Taylor, Robert Toomey, Brian Kaney, Ami Arthur, and Nat Indik
CIMMS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Support by a Team
Awarded for the members of the ACME team transitioning MRMS v12.0 during the COVID-19 pandemic solely while teleworking from home.
Shawn Handler
CIMMS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Outreach, Education or Service
For his outstanding service to CIMMS staff, and for going well above and beyond the call of duty to assist a teammate during a personal emergency.
Montgomery Flora, with co-authors Patrick Skinner, Nusrat Yussouf and Kent Knopfmeier
CIMMS award for Outstanding Publication
Awarded for, “Object-based verification of short-term, storm-scale probabilistic mesocyclone guidance from an experimental warn-on-forecast system.” Montgomery Flora was nominated for leading development of novel, event-based probabalistic verification techniques for convection-allowing ensemble forecasts.